

中国文化 薪火相传——国际艺术名家张正扬

2019-07-02 12:53:52    来源:本站整理    作者:Admin 【减小字体 增大字体


Zhang Zhengyang, male, Miao, was born in January 1955 in Renlin Township, Chengbu Miao Autonomous County, Hunan Province. He has studied in Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts and Central Academy of Fine Arts. He is currently a member of the Chinese Printmaking Association, an advisor to the China International Artists Association, and a vice president of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Research Association. Chengbu Miao Autonomous County CPPCC Zheng County-level cadre, Chengbu Miao Autonomous County Wenlian Honorary Chairman.



Since childhood, he has been interested in fine arts. His main works include: Woodcut "Home" participated in the 38th Saarland International Exposition in West Germany; Chinese painting "Peacock Open" participated in the "China Peaceful Reunification Cup" International Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition; lithograph "Banna" "Fengqing" won the gold medal in the 5th International Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition; the lithograph "Buttle Bull" participated in the 8th National Art Exhibition; the silkscreen print "Xiang" participated in the 12th National Printmaking Exhibition; the lithograph "The Bullfighting" and "Banna" "Fairy", woodcut "Miaoxiang Love" participated in the China Cultural and Art Exchange Exhibition in Europe, exhibited in Florence, Italy;



Woodcut "Miaoxiang Love", "Gutian Scenery", silkscreen print "Silver Family" to participate in Sino-Japanese friendship culture and art exchange, Chinese and Japanese painting and calligraphy masterpieces exhibition in Tokyo, Japan; woodcut "Miaoxiang Love", lithograph "Dance ", silk screen print "Xiang" participated in the Chinese painting and calligraphy masterpiece art boutique world tour exhibition in Russia. The woodcut "Miaoxiang Love" won the special prize in the 3rd International Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition of the Motherland; the woodcut "Miaoxiang Love" was awarded the World Art Award by the Editorial Committee of the World Fine Arts Dictionary.



In 2005, the State Post Bureau published a special stamp on the prints of contemporary Chinese cultural master Zhang Zhengyang. In 2018, the State Post Bureau published the Belt and Road Initiative and jointly built the "China Dream•Cultural Dream Masterpiece Zhang Zhengyang Special Post Album". In April 2005, it was awarded the honorary title of “Special Envoy of Central European Culture” by the Unified European Union. In September 2012, he was appointed as the chief artist of the World Education and Culture Organization. In October 2014, the Royal Institute of Fine Arts awarded the honorary title of “Chinese and English Art Exchange Ambassador” and “World Cultural Celebrity”.



In October 2017, the Chinese Literature and Art Research Association awarded the honorary title of “Chinese and American Cultural Image Ambassador”. His artistic biography and representative works have been compiled into dozens of collections such as "Fifty Years of Hunan Fine Arts", "Selected Works of Chinese Fine Arts", "World Contemporary Famous Painters and Painters" and "World Fine Arts Dictionary". The China National Fine Arts Publishing House published and published the classic Chinese contemporary painting and calligraphy masterpiece "Selected Works of Chinese Printmaker Zhang Zhengyang". The China Art Illustrated Magazine published and published the album "Zhang Zhengyang Printmaking Works".


中国文联国际出版社出版发行《国家艺术人物张正扬专刊》。中国国际出版社出版发行《人民艺术家——范曾 张正扬 刘大为》、《走向世界的中华艺术大师——欧阳中石 张正扬 靳尚谊》、《中华文化大使——刘大为 张正扬 苏士澍》、《世界艺术之最——张正扬 徐悲鸿》、《中国梦•建国七十周年最具影响力艺术家张正扬 黄永玉 范迪安》、《一带一路•一代名师——崔如琢 张正扬 范迪安》作品集。人民文学美术出版社出版发行《国学经典——孔子、王羲之、李白、林风眠、吴冠中、黄永玉、刘大为、张正扬》线装画册、《国魂国艺——王羲之、阎立本、齐白石、徐悲鸿、启功、刘大为、沈鹏、张正扬》传世长卷。

China Federation of Literary and Art Circles published the "National Art Character Zhang Zhengyang Special Issue". China International Publishing House publishes "People Artists - Fan Zeng Zhang Zhengyang Liu Dawei", "Chinese Art Masters Going to the World - Ouyang Zhongshi Zhang Zhengyang and Shang Yi", "Chinese Culture Ambassadors - Liu Dawei, Zhang Zhengyang Su Shizhen", "The World's Best Art - Zhang Zhengyang" Xu Beihong, "China Dream, the most influential artist of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhang Zhengyang, Huang Yongyu, Fan Di'an", "One Belt, One Road, One Generation, Famous Teacher, Cui Ruzhen, Zhang Zhengyang, Fan Di'an". The People's Literature and Art Publishing House published and published the "Chinese Classics - Confucius, Wang Xizhi, Li Bai, Lin Fengmian, Wu Guanzhong, Huang Yongyu, Liu Dawei, Zhang Zhengyang" line-loading album, "National Soul National Arts - Wang Yizhi, Yan Liben, Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, Qi Gong, Liu Dawei , Shen Peng, Zhang Zhengyang, passed down the world.


国际炎黄文化出版社出版发行《国际杰出华人艺术家——黄永玉 张正扬 李铎 欧阳中石 冯远 范曾 张海 刘大为》作品集。香港世界文化出版社出版发行《世界艺术巨匠——张正扬 沈鹏 吴冠中 毕加索 梵高 塞尚 米开郎琪罗 达·芬奇》作品集。2018年全球头条、环球文化网、环球艺术网、华尔街日报、中华网、中国财政时报网等十多家网媒重点推荐《张正扬——中外名家之书画》。2019年中国互联网联盟推荐《张正扬——最具影响力人物百家新闻联展之书画》。2005年4月应邀参加中国赴欧洲文化艺术交流访问团出访意大利、法国、德国、荷兰、卢森堡、圣马利诺、梵帝冈、奥地利、比利时等国家。2010年7月应邀参加中国赴日本文化艺术交流访问团出访日本。2011年8月应邀参加中国赴俄罗斯文化艺术交流访问团出访俄罗斯。

International Yanhuang Culture Publishing House published and published "International Outstanding Chinese Artists - Huang Yongyu, Zhang Zhengyang, Li Wei, Ouyang Zhongshi, Feng Yuan, Fan Zeng, Zhang Hai, Liu Dawei". The Hong Kong World Culture Press published and published the "World Art Masters - Zhang Zhengyang, Shen Peng, Wu Guanzhong, Picasso, Van Gogh, Cezanne, Mikai Langqi Luo Da Finch". In 2018, the world's headlines, Global Culture Network, Global Art Network, Wall Street Journal, China.com, China Financial Times Network and other more than 10 online media recommended "Zhang Zhengyang - Chinese and foreign famous paintings." In 2019, the China Internet Alliance recommended "Zhang Zhengyang? - Paintings and Calligraphy of the Most Influential People's 100 News Exhibition". In April 2005, he was invited to participate in the China Cultural and Art Exchange Delegation to Italy, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, San Marino, Vatican, Austria, Belgium and other countries. In July 2010, he was invited to participate in the China Cultural and Art Exchange Delegation to Japan to visit Japan. In August 2011, he was invited to participate in a delegation of Chinese cultural and artistic exchanges to Russia to visit Russia.





